Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A new day - welcome.

The pulse is inceasing in raising fog.
Hasty and strange humans with heavy burdens
comes running towards the informer.
They are imprissoned by the same pulse.

The nation is poring out the adrenali.
The guiders of physichs is shouting in
the safety of the gold.

Fat are the winetendrils politics.

Weepingly rises the value of the safe inviroment of the home,
where the childs play on marble is replaced byt The Big Nothing.

The streets become restless
and fear becomes a cup of coffee.
A pause on the battlefield.

It is clear - the view to the clouds
is lusted only by the outcasts.
Women screams,
men is bowing.

Towns, cities and lands turn their keyes,
starts the engines.

It is monday in the world and the fog is gone.

For a while.
